Thank you for finding my webpage and taking the time to learn more about me and my writing!
Here you can learn more about me, my short fiction, and the latest updates on my recently completed novel, Madeleine's Gift.
My first published short story, "Rosita's Baby," won first prize in the Writers of the Future Contest and appeared in the Writers of the Future anthology. Since then my stories have appeared in various magazines, including Century, Talebones, Realms of Fantasy, and Cicada.
As a reader and a writer, I enjoy fiction that crosses genre boundaries, particularly literary fiction with fantastic elements (think The Enchanted Life of Adam Hope by Rhonda Riley or Little, Big by John Crowley, which was marketed as genre but which is the most amazingly lyrical literary novel with Faerie peeking in at odd and unexpected moments). My own stories range from soft science fiction ("Rosita's Baby") to Gothic ("The Myrtlewood Ghost") to history that might or might not be alternative ("A Thing Beautiful and Fine," in which a young medieval monk tries to save his beloved mentor with an optical invention). My stories usually contain some kind of fantastic element and often feature characters whose choices transform them. Hence the name of this website: MagicalFiction.
"Rosita's Baby" was recently selected as the story of the week on curiousfictions.com. This was my first appearance on the site, but I will be posting more. If you enjoy short fiction, you should check out Curious Fictions--there are lots of good stories to be found there.